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Scientific Discovery in the Social Sciences

Organizado por European Network for Social Intelligence

London, January 30 to January 31 2015


This interdisciplinary conference explores issues arising from scientific discovery in the social sciences. Keynote talks will be given by speakers from philosophy, psychology and computer science. Submissions are invited from a range of disciplines including the behavioural and social sciences, computer science, philosophy and statistics. Papers and posters covering all relevant techniques and approaches within this broad area are welcome. It is hoped that selected papers will appear in extended form as an edited volume.

Examples of suitable topics are:

  • Experiments or case study analyses shedding light on the psychological mechanisms underpinning scientific discovery
  • Analyses reflecting on the history and sociology of scientific discovery
  • The extent to which scientific discovery contributes to the interpretation and application of complex models in social science including the identification of model error
  • The degree to which methods of scientific discovery in social science suggest new philosophical perspectives about the difference between social and natural science, and the distinguishing characteristics of social science
  • Philosophical relationships in social science between scientific discovery, causation, explanation, inference and probability
  • Computational methods for extracting information from data, including pattern recognition, with applications to scientific discovery in social science
  • Novel methods for automating the generation and refinement of social science theories and models
  • Computational simulation of and assistance with aspects of scientific discovery in social science such as induction, insight, creativity and theory formation
  • The extent to which computational methods of theory development challenge the idea that the construction of social science theories is an exclusively human activity


There is no fee for attending the conference. Coffee, tea and sandwiches will be provided. A conference dinner is planned for Friday January 30, for which there will be a charge.


The conference will be held in central London, at the London School of Economics and Political Science, London WC2A 2AE.

congresos/scientific-discovery-in-the-social-sciences.txt · Última modificación: 2015/04/01 12:07 por Joaquín Herrero Pintado