Introduction vii
John Stewart, Olivier Gapenne, and Ezequiel A. Di Paolo
1 Foundational Issues in Enaction as a Paradigm for Cognitive Science : From the Origin of Life to Consciousness and Writing
John Stewart
2 Horizons for the Enactive Mind: Values, Social Interaction, and Play
Ezequiel A. Di Paolo, Marieke Rohde, and Hanne De Jaegher
3 Life and Exteriority : The Problem of Metabolism
Renaud Barbaras
4 Development through Sensorimotor Coordination
Adam Sheya and Linda B. Smith
5 Enaction, Sense-Making, and Emotion
Giovanna Colombetti
6 Thinking in Movement: Further Analyses and Validations
Maxine Sheets-Johnstone
7 Kinesthesia and the Construction of Perceptual Objects
Olivier Gapenne
8 Directive Minds: How Dynamics Shapes Cognition
Andreas K. Engel
9 Neurodynamics and Phenomenology in Mutual Enlightenment: The Example of the Epileptic Aura
Michel Le Van Quyen
10 Language and Enaction
Didier Bottineau
11 Enacting Infinity: Bringing Transfi nite Cardinals into Being
Rafael E. Núñez
12 The Ontological Constitution of Cognition and the Epistemological Constitution of Cognitive Science: Phenomenology, Enaction, and Technology
Véronique Havelange
13 Embodiment or Envatment?: Reflections on the Bodily Basis of Consciousness
Diego Cosmelli and Evan Thompson
14 Toward a Phenomenological Psychology of the Conscious
Benny Shanon
15 Enaction, Imagination, and Insight
Edwin Hutchins