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Edita: Creative Codeworks


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Computer Art


Propuestas teóricas

computer art is a new art form - computers run computational processes or algorithms that enable them to modify a display based on input. Computer art takes advantage of this to achieve interactivity, where the audience of a work has a part to play in how the work unfolds


Candy, Linda; Ferguson, Sam Interactive Experience in the Digital Age - Evaluating New Art Practice, Springer 2014

explore the boundary between the digital arts and interactive experience design.

Eftekhar Shirazi, Manuchehr Teorías estéticas de los mundos virtuales, UNED 2014

http://e-spacio.uned.es/fez/view.php?pid=tesisuned:Filosofia-MeftekharEste estudio nos permite poner de manifiesto las características artísticas y estéticas del arte de los nuevos medios, tomando la estética como herramienta de análisis del arte multimedia y demostrando la naturaleza de la estética de los mundos virtuales, a la vez que proponemos una nueva teoría estética del Computer art.

Simon, Scott L. Interactive Art, Autonomy and Evaluation

en Candy, Linda; Ferguson, Sam //Interactive Experience in the Digital Age - Evaluating New Art Practice//, Springer 2014This chapter looks at interactivity and interactive art systems in relation to traditional aesthetic categories and artistic practice. Central to the chapter is an analysis of the tension between the autonomous artist and the interactive artist. Interactive art is theorized as belonging to a kind of practice which seeks to transcend, or at least refi ne, traditional categories such as autonomy. The author posits that the evaluation of interactive artworks must recognize the complex manner in which these artworks relate to the traditional social categories of art practice.

Bryan-Kinns, Nick Mutual Engagement in Digitally Mediated Public Art

en Candy, Linda; Ferguson, Sam //Interactive Experience in the Digital Age - Evaluating New Art Practice//, Springer 2014This chapter examines the socially constructed responses that emerge through interaction with works designed for collective experience. The focus here is on the moments of creative spark that emerge between people as they mutually engage through collective art forms. These art forms exploit digital social infrastructure to create socially empowering public digital art forms where the emphasis is on the enjoyment of being creative together rather than art per se.

**Lopes, Dominic Philosophy of Computer Art, Routledge 2010

[[http://aesthetics-online.org/articles/index.php?articles_id=40|From the Author’s Perspective: A Philosophy of Computer Art]]The book begins by using two conceptions of computer technology to distinguish what may be called “digital art” from “computer art” and to then argue that digital art is not an art form.
art/computer-art.1424186148.txt.gz · Última modificación: 2015/02/17 15:15 por Joaquín Herrero Pintado