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Iliadis, A. Informational Ontology: The Meaning of Gilbert Simondon’s Concept of Individuation (2013)
Mitchell, M. Complexity - A Guided Tour (2009)
Collier, J.D., Causation is the Transfer of Information (1999)
Iliadis, A., Philosophy of Information: An Introduction (2013)
Wheeler, B., Searching for Productive Causes in Big Data: The Information-Transmission Account. (2015)
Iliadis A., Gilbert Simondon and the Philosophy of Information (20155)
Collier, J.D., Information, Causation and Computation (2011)
Stewart, J. et al, Enaction. Toward a New Paradigm in Cognitive Science (2010)
Faucher K X, Metastasis and Metastability. A Deleuzian Approach to Information (2013)
Baumgaertner, B; Floridi, L, Introduction: The Philosophy of Information (2016)
Barra lateral
Albantakis, L. Automata and Animats: From Dynamics to Cause–Effect Structures (2017)
Anjum, R.L., Mumford, S., Dispositional Modality (2011)
Ballesteros Ruiz, E., Presencia de Schopenhauer (1992)
Baumgaertner, B; Floridi, L, Introduction: The Philosophy of Information (2016)
Beebee, H., The Oxford handbook of causation, (2010)
Bogost, Ian. What is like to be a thing (2012)
Braver, L., A Thing of This World. A history of Continental Anti-Realism. (2007)
Bryant, Levi R., The Ontic Principle: Outline of an Object-Oriented Ontology (2011)
Bryant, Levi R., Toward a Speculative Philosophy (2011)
Bryant L, Diference and Givenness (2008)
Chaitin, G., Leibniz, Complexity and Incompleteness (2009)
Collier, J.D., Causation is the Transfer of Information (1999)
Collier, J.D., Information, Causation and Computation (2011)
DeLanda, M., Emergence, Causality and Realism (2011)
Deleuze, G. Diferencia y Repetición (1968)
Dodig-Crnkovic, G. Where Do New Ideas Come From? How Do They Emerge? Epistemology as Computation (2007)
Ellis, george F.R., On the nature of causation in complex systems (2008)
Farnsworth, K., Living through Downward Causation: From Molecules to Ecosystems (2017)
Faucher K X, Metastasis and Metastability. A Deleuzian Approach to Information (2013)
Flack, Jessica, Coarse graining as a downward causation mechanism (2017)
Flack, Jessica, Life’s Information Theory (2017)
Geoghegan, B. D, From Information Theory to French Theory: Jakobson, Lévi-Strauss, and the Cybernetic Apparatus (2011)
Geoghegan B. D., The Cybernetic Apparatus (2012)
Iliadis, A., Philosophy of Information: An Introduction (2013)
Iliadis, A. Informational Ontology: The Meaning of Gilbert Simondon’s Concept of Individuation (2013)
Iliadis A., Gilbert Simondon and the Philosophy of Information (20155)
Imari Walker, S. (ed), From Matter to Life – Information and Causality (2017)
Johansson, L.G., Causation, A Synthesis of Three Approaches (2007)
Lafontaine C, The Cybernetic Matrix of `French Theory' (2007)
Landes, J. et at, Epistemology of Causal Inference in Pharmacology: Towards a Framework for the Assessment of Harms (2016)
Levi-Strauss, C. The Mathematics of Man. (1954)
Levy, P. The semantic sphere 1 : computation, cognition, and information economy (2011)
llari, Phyllis; Russo, Federica, Information channels and biomarkers of disease (2016)
Marletto, C. Beyond Initial Conditions and Laws of Motion. Constructor Theory of Information and Life. (2017)
Marletto. C, Constructor Theory of Life (2014)
Meillassoux, Q. Potentiality and Virtuality (2011)
Mitchell, M. Complexity - A Guided Tour (2009)
Mumford, S., Lill Anjum, R., A Powerful Theory of Causation (2010)
Mumford, S.; Lill Anjum, R, Getting Causes from Powers (2011)
Mumford, S. Causal Powers and Capacities (2010)
Pagallo, H. Aliquid Est Sine Ratione: On Some Philosophical Consequences of Chaitin’s Quest for Ω (2007)
Pearl J., Mackenzie D. The Book of Why. The New Science of Cause and Effect (2018)
Schlick, Moritz - Filosofía de la naturaleza (2002)
Stewart, J. et al, Enaction. Toward a New Paradigm in Cognitive Science (2010)
Stotz, K., Biological Information, Causality, and Specificity: An Intimate Relationship (2017)
Stuart, S. Dodig-Crnkovic, G. Computation, Information, Cognition. The Nexus and the Liminal. Introduction. (2007)
Unger, R., Smolin, L. The singular universe and the reality of time: a proposal in natural philosophy (2015)
Wheeler, B., Searching for Productive Causes in Big Data: The Information-Transmission Account. (2015)
Casos prácticos
La metafísica de la diferencia
Surgimiento de novedad
Artículos y ensayos
Edita: Creative Codeworks
**¡Esta es una revisión vieja del documento!**
Baumgaertner, B; Floridi, L, 2016, Introduction: The Philosophy of Information
Topoi (2016) 35:157-159
· Última modificación: 2017/11/08 02:19 (editor externo)
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