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Etica y Big Data

Internet Research Ethics

This anthology addresses ethical challenges that arise within the field of Internet research. Among the issues discussed in the book are the following:

  • When is voluntary informed consent from research subjects required in using the Internet as a data source?
  • How may researchers secure the privacy of research subjects in a landscape where the traditional public/private distinction is blurred and re-identification is a recurring threat?
  • What are the central ethical and legal aspects of Internet research for individuals, groups, and society?

The book is written in cooperation with The Norwegian National Research Ethics Committees. The Commitees are independent public agencies providing guidelines and addressing questions regarding research ethics in all subject fields.


Introductory remarks
Hallvard Fossheim, Helene Ingierd

Consent and information - ethical considerations when conducting research on social media
Dag Elgesem

Possibilities and limitations of Internet research: A legal framework
Katrine Utaaker Segadal

New selves, new research ethics?
Charles Ess

Researching social media: Confidentiality, anonymity and reconstructing online practices
Marika Lüders

Counting children
Elisabeth Staksrud

Social research and Big Data - the tension between opportunities and realities
Kari Steen-Johnsen, Bernard Enjolras

Studying Big Data - ethical and methodological considerations
Anders Olof Larsson

Big Data - big trouble? Meanderings in an uncharted ethical landscape
Robindra Prabhu


cts/bigdata/etica-investigacion-internet.txt · Última modificación: 2016/07/06 11:30 por Joaquín Herrero Pintado