Resultados de texto completo:
- Schlick, Moritz - Filosofía de la naturaleza (2002)
- ====== Schlick, Moritz - Filosofía de la naturaleza (2002) ====== 2002, ediciones encuentro, Madrid =====... efecto de manera estricta debido a que los hechos naturales no pueden ser tomados como hechos aislados. Es ... usa" y "efecto" nunca aparecen en las leyes de la naturaleza. Con lo que contamos es con la interconexión d
- Geoghegan B. D., The Cybernetic Apparatus (2012)
- ios como **tecnologías para reformar las ciencias naturales y humanas** desde la década de 1910 hasta la dé... on pudiera reunirse con oficiales de las ciencias naturales, humanas y sociales. A pesar de la cálida recep... ngüística actúa como el relevo entre las ciencias naturales, técnicas y humanas. Pero cuanto más se aleja d
- Marletto. C, Constructor Theory of Life (2014)
- physical processes: mainly, gene replication and natural selection. In this paper I show that for those pr... n laws, and of the logic of self-reproduction and natural selection, within fundamental physics. I conclude that self-reproduction, replication and natural selection are possible under no-design laws, the
- Iliadis, A., Philosophy of Information: An Introduction (2013)
- oblems that press us so urgently. Of course, this naturally invites us to wonder which ideas, theories, and... over the place - such as in computer science, AI, natural and social sciences, as well as in popular cultur
- Unger, R., Smolin, L. The singular universe and the reality of time: a proposal in natural philosophy (2015)
- r universe and the reality of time: a proposal in natural philosophy (2015) ====== To think of the univers... o one can develop and defend ideas about parts of natural reality without making assumptions, even if they
- Braver, L., A Thing of This World. A history of Continental Anti-Realism. (2007)
- to a single remarkable system which seems to flow naturally from this idea. The contemporary situation of
- Marletto, C. Beyond Initial Conditions and Laws of Motion. Constructor Theory of Information and Life. (2017)
- hat are fundamental to the theory of evolution by natural selection – such as accurate replication and self
- Mitchell, M. Complexity - A Guided Tour (2009)
- self is being imported to explain the behavior of natural systems. I explore the new science of networks an
- Geoghegan, B. D, From Information Theory to French Theory: Jakobson, Lévi-Strauss, and the Cybernetic Apparatus (2011)
- reating animals, plants, and other aspects of the natural world as a system of obscure signs, the savage mi
- Stuart, S. Dodig-Crnkovic, G. Computation, Information, Cognition. The Nexus and the Liminal. Introduction. (2007)
- se as it is used in ordinary language, and in the natural and social sciences. Preface Introduction ===