Resultados de texto completo:
- Collier, J.D., Causation is the Transfer of Information (1999)
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- Ellis, george F.R., On the nature of causation in complex systems (2008)
- re of causation in complex systems (2008) ====== Online:
- Levy, P. The semantic sphere 1 : computation, cognition, and information economy (2011)
- an cognitive processes. Disponible online en: [[ ?dl=0|]] (Compartido por el autor en [[
- Mumford, S., Lill Anjum, R., A Powerful Theory of Causation (2010)
- f Causation (2010) ====== Disponible online en [[|]] Hum
- Geoghegan B. D., The Cybernetic Apparatus (2012)
- netic Apparatus (2012) ====== Disponible online:
- Deleuze, G. Diferencia y Repetición (1968)
- acercamos a esta doble existencia. --- Fuente:
- Marletto. C, Constructor Theory of Life (2014)
- ory of Life (2014) ====== Disponible online en [[|]] Neo-Darw
- Iliadis, A., Philosophy of Information: An Introduction (2013)
- An Introduction (2013) ====== Disponible online:
- Dodig-Crnkovic, G. Where Do New Ideas Come From? How Do They Emerge? Epistemology as Computation (2007)
- ientific, Singapore, 2007 \\ Disponible online: [[
- llari, Phyllis; Russo, Federica, Information channels and biomarkers of disease (2016)
- , April 2016 vol 36 issue 1 Disponible online: [[
- Anjum, R.L., Mumford, S., Dispositional Modality (2011)
- l Modality (2011) ====== Disponible online en [[|]] Ther
- Collier, J.D., Information, Causation and Computation (2011)
- rnkovic, Mark Burgin (ed.) Disponible online: [[
- Baumgaertner, B; Floridi, L, Introduction: The Philosophy of Information (2016)
- == Topoi (2016) 35:157-159 Disponible online: [[
- Lafontaine C, The Cybernetic Matrix of `French Theory' (2007)
- Theory' (PDF Download Available). Available from:
- Iliadis, A. Informational Ontology: The Meaning of Gilbert Simondon’s Concept of Individuation (2013)
- Individuation (2013) ====== Disponible online en