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**¡Esta es una revisión vieja del documento!**

Antecedentes filosóficos

Breve historia de las ideas sobre causalidad

Explicaciones mecanicistas

Scientific Explanation 3 - The Causal-Mechanical Model

¿Leyes naturales? La causalidad en la naturaleza

Nomological theories of causation

Causation and Laws of Nature, Howard Sankey (ed.)

Espacio, tiempo y causalidad en física moderna, en Escritos sobre física y filosofía, Wolfgang Pauli, Debate

Space, time and causality, Richard Swinburne, Reidel (1983)

Global Warming and Hurricanes - An Overview of Current Research Results

Have humans already caused a detectable increase in Atlantic hurricane activity or global tropical cyclone activity?


acker News comments: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15206131

Schlick, Moritz, Filosofía de la naturaleza, 2002, Ediciones Encuentro (disponible en Biblioteca Uned)

  • El principio de causalidad en la física clásica
  • La causalidad en la nueva física

Swinburne, Richard (ed), Space, Time and Causality, 1983 (disponible en biblioteca UNED)

  • Absolute versus relative space and time
  • time and causal conectibility
  • temporal and causal asymmetry
  • Causality and Quantum Mechanics
  • Causality, Relativity and the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) Paradox

“las leyes naturales se expresan bajo la forma de ecuaciones diferenciales” (Schlick 2002 p. 67), ver Ecuaciones Diferenciales (libro-video)

“Modeling is the process of writing a differential equation to describe a physical situation” (Paul's Online Math Notes

Models and Simulations 7, Universitat de Barcelona, mayo 2016, book of abstracts


Marc Lange

Marc Lange specializes in philosophy of science and related areas of metaphysics and epistemology, including parts of the philosophy of physics, philosophy of biology, and philosophy of mathematics. Here he discusses the necessity of laws of nature, why their necessity is contingent, whether these laws are immutable, what meta-laws are and what they’re for, laws and objective chance, why laws are laws because they are necessary rather than because they are laws, non-causal explanations in science and maths, explanation by constraint and why we don’t find them in maths, really statistical and dimensional explanations, why non-causal explanations are important in maths, and why despite their diversity non-causal explanations really are all explanations.

Henry Bergson

proyectos/tfg/introduccion/start.1510104507.txt.gz · Última modificación: 2017/11/08 01:28 por Joaquín Herrero Pintado