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Bibliografía a utilizar

Everything Flows (the Paper) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.15252/embr.201541088

Sobre “algoritmos genéticos”, citados en el capítulo 9 de (Mitchell 2009) resulta ilustrativo el uso que se hace en la película Tron Legacy, según se indica en este post del blog “Computer Science and Tron” de @DionCDetterer

Aplicación de algoritmos genéticos: A Roadmap for Self-Evolving Communities, Nardine Osman

Self-organisation and self-evolution is evident in physics, chemistry, biology, and human societies. Despite the existing literature on the topic, we believe self-organisation and self-evolution is still missing from the IT tools (whether online or offline) we are building and using. In the last decade, human interactions have been moving more and more towards social media. The time we spend interacting with others in virtual communities and networks is tremendous. Yet, the tools supporting those interactions remain rigid. This position paper argues the need for self-evolving software-enabled communities, and proposes a roadmap for achieving this required self-evolution. The proposal is based on building normative-based communities, where community interactions are regulated by norms and community members are free to discuss and modify their community’s norms. The evolution of communities is then dictated by the evolution of its norms.
proyectos/tfg/complejidad/start.1533727751.txt.gz · Última modificación: 2018/08/08 11:29 por Joaquín Herrero Pintado