Evidence based or person centered? An ontological debate
Evidence based medicine (EBM) is under critical debate, and person centered healthcare (PCH) has been proposed as an improvement. But is PCH offered as a supplement or as a replacement of EBM? Prima facie PCH only concerns the practice of medicine, while the contended features of EBM also include methods and medical model. I here argue that there are good philosophical reasons to see PCH as a radical alternative to the existing medical paradigm of EBM, since the two seem committed to conflicting ontologies. This paper aims to make explicit some of the most fundamental assumptions that motivate EBM and PCH, respectively, in order to show that the choice between them ultimately comes down to ontological preference. While EBM has a solid foundation in positivism, or what I here call Humeanism, PCH is more consistent with causal dispositionalism. I conclude that if there is a paradigmatic revolution on the way in medicine, it is first of all one of ontology.
El proyecto Ciencia en el Parlamento busca “promover una cultura de formulación de políticas basada en la evidencia (científica)”.
¿Cómo afecta la cuestión de qué es “evidencia” al tipo de conocimientos que pueden pasar a la legislación como “verdades”?
Interdisciplinary research project CauSci - Causation in Science - project ended in 2015.
Research project at Norwegian University of Life Sciences. CAPS: Causation, Complexity and Evidence in Health Sciences.
The idea of the conference was to discuss some challenges facing anyone developing and implementing clinical guidelines in the evidence based era of medicine. Some challenges relate to philosophical foundations of medicine:
La revista online The Reasoner contiene una sección en cada número denominada Evidence-based medicine dirigida por Michael Wilde.
John Williamson, editor y fundador de la revista The Reasoner, investiga la denominada Systems Medicine y ha escrito en febrero de 2017 un paper titulado Models in Systems Medicine.
Systems medicine is a promising new paradigm for discovering associations, causal relationships and mechanisms in medicine. But it faces some tough challenges that arise from the use of big data: in particular, the problem of how to integrate evidence and the problem of how to structure the development of models. I argue that objective Bayesian models offer one way of tackling the evidence integration problem. I also offer a general methodology for structuring the development of models, within which the objective Bayesian approach fits rather naturally.
Systems medicine applies systems approaches, analogous to those used in systems biology, with the aim of improving medical treatment and progressing medical science. These approaches are often described as ‘data-intensive’ or ‘data-driven’ because they attempt to draw inferences from a variety of large datasets. This paper explores two problems that face systems medicine. First, there is the problem of diversity of evidence: in addition to large amounts of data (‘big data’), the available evidence tends also to be very heterogeneous, and the question arises as to how the whole range of evidence can be integrated in a coherent manner, to enable reliable inferences. The second problem is that of diversity of models: systems medicine employs different models for different purposes, and it is often far from clear as to how these models relate to one another. Can anything be done to shed light on the relationships between models?
This paper develops a normative response to these problems. It puts forward an approach based on Bayesian epistemology for integrating multiple datasets. It then puts forward a way to integrate evidence of mechanisms, which can often be qualitative, into the resulting quantitative models. (This approach can be thought of as a contribution to the EBM+ programme, which seeks ways of integrating evidence of mechanisms with evidence of associations in order to lead to better outcomes in medicine—see The paper goes on to suggest that Bayesian networks can provide a unified modelling formalism. (This conclusion, if not the detail of the approach, is in line with that of Landes et al. (2017), who present a Bayesian network modelling framework for inference in pharmacology.) There is no claim that the framework developed here is the only way to tackle the foundational problems that face systems medicine, but it is hoped that the present attempt will encourage others to tackle these problems.
The paper is structured as follows.