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proyectos:tfg:bibliografia:stewart2010 [2017/11/15 10:11]
Joaquín Herrero Pintado
proyectos:tfg:bibliografia:stewart2010 [2017/11/15 10:11] (actual)
Joaquín Herrero Pintado [Stewart, J. et al, Enaction. Toward a New Paradigm in Cognitive Science (2010)]
Línea 3: Línea 3:
 The aim of this book is to present the paradigm of enaction as a framework The aim of this book is to present the paradigm of enaction as a framework
 for a far-reaching renewal of cognitive science as a whole. 1 There have been for a far-reaching renewal of cognitive science as a whole. 1 There have been
-many critiques of classical, ​fi rst-generation cognitivism based on the Computational+many critiques of classical, ​first-generation cognitivism based on the Computational
 Theory of Mind. A distinctive feature of this book is a deliberate Theory of Mind. A distinctive feature of this book is a deliberate
 choice not to go over that old ground yet again, but to reserve the energy choice not to go over that old ground yet again, but to reserve the energy
proyectos/tfg/bibliografia/stewart2010.1510740699.txt.gz · Última modificación: 2017/11/15 10:11 por Joaquín Herrero Pintado