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proyectos:tfg:bibliografia:farnsworth2017 [2017/11/08 02:20]
Joaquín Herrero Pintado
proyectos:tfg:bibliografia:farnsworth2017 [2017/11/15 08:46] (actual)
Joaquín Herrero Pintado
Línea 2: Línea 2:
 en Imari Walker, S. (ed), 2017, From Matter to Life – Information and Causality en Imari Walker, S. (ed), 2017, From Matter to Life – Information and Causality
 +Downward causation (first defined by Campbell, 1974) is both a
 +philosophical concept and an apparent phenomenon of nature attracting great
 +controversy. Most scientists usually assume that all observable phenomena
 +derive from elemental fundamental physics, so that even human behaviours
 +ultimately result from interactions of subatomic particles, via a unidirectional
 +chain of causes and effects. On closer inspection, the act of living seems able
 +to spontaneously generate events, breaking this chain; it is as though life
 +possessed ‘free will’ by acting without a prior physical cause. In this chapter,
 +we analyse this puzzling behaviour using information and control theory as a
 +general framework, applying it to a range of scales of organisation in
 +biological systems: from the molecular to the ecological. An essential
 +element (and possibly a defining feature) of life emerges from this analysis. It
 +is the presence of downward causation by information selection and control.
 +Through a series of examples, we show how this phenomenon works to
 +produce the appearance of autonomous action from information constructed
 +and maintained by the process of living. After a brief introduction to the
 +concept of downward causation, we set it more firmly within the concepts of
 +biological information processing used within this volume. From this we
 +attempt to derive a general classification of causation across scales of
 +biological organisation. We show how selection from random processes and
 +information embodiment in molecules, organism systems, and ecological
 +systems combine to emerge with the properties of downward causation and
 +the appearance of autonomy. These phenomena seem to be exclusive to life.
proyectos/tfg/bibliografia/farnsworth2017.1510107633.txt.gz · Última modificación: 2017/11/08 02:20 por Joaquín Herrero Pintado