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infocomp:neuroevolucion [2015/12/16 09:17]
Joaquín Herrero Pintado
infocomp:neuroevolucion [2017/12/13 07:51] (actual)
Joaquín Herrero Pintado ↷ Página movida de comp:neuroevolucion a infocomp:neuroevolucion
Línea 1: Línea 1:
 ====== Neuroevolución ====== ====== Neuroevolución ======
 +El estudio de qué neuronas parecen responsables de qué actividades cognitivas así como nuestra capacidad de simular la actividad neuronal de aprendizaje en computadores abren este área de investigación.
 +===== Francesco Ferrari =====
 +[[http://​​content/​16/​3/​136.abstract|Mirror Neurons and the Evolution of Embodied Language]]
 +>Mirror neurons are a class of neurons first discovered in the monkey premotor cortex that activate both when the monkey executes an action and when it observes the same action made by another individual. These neurons enable individuals to understand actions performed by others. Two subcategories of mirror neurons in monkeys activate when they listen to action sounds and when they observe communicative gestures made by others, respectively. The properties of mirror neurons could constitute a substrate from which more sophisticated forms of communication evolved; this would make sense, given the anatomical and functional homology between part of the monkey premotor cortex and Broca'​s area (the “speech” area of the brain) in humans. We hypothesize that several components of human language, including some aspects of phonology and syntax, could be embedded in the organizational properties of the motor system and that a deeper knowledge of this system could shed light on how language evolved.
 ===== Gene I. Sher ===== ===== Gene I. Sher =====
infocomp/neuroevolucion.1450257442.txt.gz · Última modificación: 2015/12/16 09:17 por Joaquín Herrero Pintado