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Edita: Creative Codeworks


European Conference on Social Intelligence

Barcelona, November 3-5, 2014

European Network for Social Intelligence: http://www.sintelnet.eu/
Web del Congreso: http://ecsi.sintelnet.eu/
Proceedings: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1283/
Organizado por European Network for Social Intelligence (SINTELNET)
Sourcebook: http://www.sintelnet.eu/wiki/index.php/Sourcebook

Social intelligence is a general term at the intersection between different disciplines including philosophy, social science - sociology, economics, legal science, etc. - and computer science. Broadly speaking, social intelligence is the capacity to understand others and to act rationally and emotionally in relations with others. This is an ability that not only human but also artificial agents have, as modelled in artificial intelligence and agent-based research in particular.

The interactions between philosophy, social sciences and computer science around social intelligence are manifold, and many concepts and theories from social science have found their way into artificial intelligence and agent-based research. In the latter, coordination and cooperation between largely independent, autonomous computational entities are modelled. Conversely, logical and computational models and their implementations have been used in the social sciences to help improve simulations, hypotheses and theories. Among the most prominent subjects at the interface are action and agency, communicative interaction, group attitudes, socio-technical epistemology and social coordination. In computer science, these concepts from social science are sometimes deployed at a more metaphorical level rather than in the form of rigorous implementations of the “genuine” concepts and their corresponding theories. Equally, the computer models used in social science are not always convincing.

The aim of the European Network for Social Intelligence (SINTELNET, 2011-2014) is to help build a shared perspective at the intersection of the above fields, to identify challenges and opportunities for cross-disciplinary collaboration, to provide guidelines for research and policy-making and to kindle partnerships among participants. The aim of the European Conference on Social Intelligence is to provide a productive meeting ground for researchers from the above fields. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Action and agency
  • Mental attitudes (e.g., beliefs, desires, goals, intentions)
  • Dynamics of mental attitudes (at individual and collective level)
  • Argumentation theory
  • Cooperation and coordination
  • Social epistemology and ontology
  • Epistemic game theory
  • Theory of signalling
  • Norms and normative systems
  • Group attitudes, collective reasoning, collective intentionality
  • Theories of artefacts and technical design
  • Socio-technical systems
  • Trust and reputation
  • Speech act theory
  • Epistemic and evolutionary aspects of conventions
  • Emotions and affective phenomena
  • Social influence
  • Social power and social dependence




Índice de ponencias

Keynote: Intelligence vs. Self-organization in an Hybrid Society, Cristiano Castellfranchi

Keynote: Perceptual and Behavioural Consequences of Virtual Embodiment, Mel Slater

Keynote: Reason-based Rationalization, Christian List

congresos/ecsi.txt · Última modificación: 2015/04/01 11:31 por Joaquín Herrero Pintado